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U+0A000xe0 0xa8 0x80append਀
U+0A010xe0 0xa8 0x81appendਁ GURMUKHI SIGN ADAK BINDI
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U+0B270xe0 0xac 0xa7appendଧ ORIYA LETTER DHA
U+0B280xe0 0xac 0xa8appendନ ORIYA LETTER NA
U+0B290xe0 0xac 0xa9append଩
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U+0B2B0xe0 0xac 0xabappendଫ ORIYA LETTER PHA
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U+0B2D0xe0 0xac 0xadappendଭ ORIYA LETTER BHA
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U+0B2F0xe0 0xac 0xafappendଯ ORIYA LETTER YA
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U+0B310xe0 0xac 0xb1append଱
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U+0B330xe0 0xac 0xb3appendଳ ORIYA LETTER LLA
U+0B340xe0 0xac 0xb4append଴
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U+0B370xe0 0xac 0xb7appendଷ ORIYA LETTER SSA
U+0B380xe0 0xac 0xb8appendସ ORIYA LETTER SA
U+0B390xe0 0xac 0xb9appendହ ORIYA LETTER HA
U+0B3A0xe0 0xac 0xbaappend଺
U+0B3B0xe0 0xac 0xbbappend଻
U+0B3C0xe0 0xac 0xbcappend଼ ORIYA SIGN NUKTA
U+0B3D0xe0 0xac 0xbdappendଽ ORIYA SIGN AVAGRAHA
U+0B3E0xe0 0xac 0xbeappendା ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AA
U+0B3Fି0xe0 0xac 0xbfappendିି ORIYA VOWEL SIGN I
U+0B400xe0 0xad 0x80appendୀ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN II
U+0B410xe0 0xad 0x81appendୁ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN U
U+0B420xe0 0xad 0x82appendୂ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN UU
U+0B430xe0 0xad 0x83appendୃ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R
U+0B440xe0 0xad 0x84appendୄ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR
U+0B450xe0 0xad 0x85append୅
U+0B460xe0 0xad 0x86append୆
U+0B470xe0 0xad 0x87appendେ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN E
U+0B480xe0 0xad 0x88appendୈ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AI
U+0B490xe0 0xad 0x89append୉
U+0B4A0xe0 0xad 0x8aappend୊
U+0B4B0xe0 0xad 0x8bappendୋ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN O
U+0B4C0xe0 0xad 0x8cappendୌ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AU
U+0B4D0xe0 0xad 0x8dappend୍ ORIYA SIGN VIRAMA
U+0B4E0xe0 0xad 0x8eappend୎
U+0B4F0xe0 0xad 0x8fappend୏
U+0B500xe0 0xad 0x90append୐
U+0B510xe0 0xad 0x91append୑
U+0B520xe0 0xad 0x92append୒
U+0B530xe0 0xad 0x93append୓
U+0B540xe0 0xad 0x94append୔
U+0B550xe0 0xad 0x95append୕ ORIYA SIGN OVERLINE
U+0B560xe0 0xad 0x96appendୖ ORIYA AI LENGTH MARK
U+0B570xe0 0xad 0x97appendୗ ORIYA AU LENGTH MARK
U+0B580xe0 0xad 0x98append୘
U+0B590xe0 0xad 0x99append୙
U+0B5A0xe0 0xad 0x9aappend୚
U+0B5B0xe0 0xad 0x9bappend୛
U+0B5C0xe0 0xad 0x9cappendଡ଼ ORIYA LETTER RRA
U+0B5D0xe0 0xad 0x9dappendଢ଼ ORIYA LETTER RHA
U+0B5E0xe0 0xad 0x9eappend୞
U+0B5F0xe0 0xad 0x9fappendୟ ORIYA LETTER YYA
U+0B600xe0 0xad 0xa0appendୠ ORIYA LETTER VOCALIC RR
U+0B610xe0 0xad 0xa1appendୡ ORIYA LETTER VOCALIC LL
U+0B620xe0 0xad 0xa2appendୢ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L
U+0B630xe0 0xad 0xa3appendୣ ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL
U+0B640xe0 0xad 0xa4append୤
U+0B650xe0 0xad 0xa5append୥
U+0B660xe0 0xad 0xa6append୦ ORIYA DIGIT ZERO
U+0B670xe0 0xad 0xa7append୧ ORIYA DIGIT ONE
U+0B680xe0 0xad 0xa8append୨ ORIYA DIGIT TWO
U+0B690xe0 0xad 0xa9append୩ ORIYA DIGIT THREE
U+0B6A0xe0 0xad 0xaaappend୪ ORIYA DIGIT FOUR
U+0B6B0xe0 0xad 0xabappend୫ ORIYA DIGIT FIVE
U+0B6C0xe0 0xad 0xacappend୬ ORIYA DIGIT SIX
U+0B6D0xe0 0xad 0xadappend୭ ORIYA DIGIT SEVEN
U+0B6E0xe0 0xad 0xaeappend୮ ORIYA DIGIT EIGHT
U+0B6F0xe0 0xad 0xafappend୯ ORIYA DIGIT NINE
U+0B700xe0 0xad 0xb0append୰ ORIYA ISSHAR
U+0B710xe0 0xad 0xb1appendୱ ORIYA LETTER WA
U+0B720xe0 0xad 0xb2append୲ ORIYA FRACTION ONE QUARTER
U+0B730xe0 0xad 0xb3append୳ ORIYA FRACTION ONE HALF
U+0B740xe0 0xad 0xb4append୴ ORIYA FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
U+0B750xe0 0xad 0xb5append୵ ORIYA FRACTION ONE SIXTEENTH
U+0B760xe0 0xad 0xb6append୶ ORIYA FRACTION ONE EIGHTH
U+0B780xe0 0xad 0xb8append୸
U+0B790xe0 0xad 0xb9append୹
U+0B7A0xe0 0xad 0xbaappend୺
U+0B7B0xe0 0xad 0xbbappend୻
U+0B7C0xe0 0xad 0xbcappend୼
U+0B7D0xe0 0xad 0xbdappend୽
U+0B7E0xe0 0xad 0xbeappend୾
U+0B7F୿0xe0 0xad 0xbfappend୿୿
U+0B800xe0 0xae 0x80append஀
U+0B810xe0 0xae 0x81append஁
U+0B820xe0 0xae 0x82appendஂ TAMIL SIGN ANUSVARA
U+0B830xe0 0xae 0x83appendஃ TAMIL SIGN VISARGA
U+0B840xe0 0xae 0x84append஄
U+0B850xe0 0xae 0x85appendஅ TAMIL LETTER A
U+0B860xe0 0xae 0x86appendஆ TAMIL LETTER AA
U+0B870xe0 0xae 0x87appendஇ TAMIL LETTER I
U+0B880xe0 0xae 0x88appendஈ TAMIL LETTER II
U+0B890xe0 0xae 0x89appendஉ TAMIL LETTER U
U+0B8A0xe0 0xae 0x8aappendஊ TAMIL LETTER UU
U+0B8B0xe0 0xae 0x8bappend஋
U+0B8C0xe0 0xae 0x8cappend஌
U+0B8D0xe0 0xae 0x8dappend஍
U+0B8E0xe0 0xae 0x8eappendஎ TAMIL LETTER E
U+0B8F0xe0 0xae 0x8fappendஏ TAMIL LETTER EE
U+0B900xe0 0xae 0x90appendஐ TAMIL LETTER AI
U+0B910xe0 0xae 0x91append஑
U+0B920xe0 0xae 0x92appendஒ TAMIL LETTER O
U+0B930xe0 0xae 0x93appendஓ TAMIL LETTER OO
U+0B940xe0 0xae 0x94appendஔ TAMIL LETTER AU
U+0B950xe0 0xae 0x95appendக TAMIL LETTER KA
U+0B960xe0 0xae 0x96append஖
U+0B970xe0 0xae 0x97append஗
U+0B980xe0 0xae 0x98append஘
U+0B990xe0 0xae 0x99appendங TAMIL LETTER NGA
U+0B9A0xe0 0xae 0x9aappendச TAMIL LETTER CA
U+0B9B0xe0 0xae 0x9bappend஛
U+0B9C0xe0 0xae 0x9cappendஜ TAMIL LETTER JA
U+0B9D0xe0 0xae 0x9dappend஝
U+0B9E0xe0 0xae 0x9eappendஞ TAMIL LETTER NYA
U+0B9F0xe0 0xae 0x9fappendட TAMIL LETTER TTA
U+0BA00xe0 0xae 0xa0append஠
U+0BA10xe0 0xae 0xa1append஡
U+0BA20xe0 0xae 0xa2append஢
U+0BA30xe0 0xae 0xa3appendண TAMIL LETTER NNA
U+0BA40xe0 0xae 0xa4appendத TAMIL LETTER TA
U+0BA50xe0 0xae 0xa5append஥
U+0BA60xe0 0xae 0xa6append஦
U+0BA70xe0 0xae 0xa7append஧
U+0BA80xe0 0xae 0xa8appendந TAMIL LETTER NA
U+0BA90xe0 0xae 0xa9appendன TAMIL LETTER NNNA
U+0BAA0xe0 0xae 0xaaappendப TAMIL LETTER PA
U+0BAB0xe0 0xae 0xabappend஫
U+0BAC0xe0 0xae 0xacappend஬
U+0BAD0xe0 0xae 0xadappend஭
U+0BAE0xe0 0xae 0xaeappendம TAMIL LETTER MA
U+0BAF0xe0 0xae 0xafappendய TAMIL LETTER YA
U+0BB00xe0 0xae 0xb0appendர TAMIL LETTER RA
U+0BB10xe0 0xae 0xb1appendற TAMIL LETTER RRA
U+0BB20xe0 0xae 0xb2appendல TAMIL LETTER LA
U+0BB30xe0 0xae 0xb3appendள TAMIL LETTER LLA
U+0BB40xe0 0xae 0xb4appendழ TAMIL LETTER LLLA
U+0BB50xe0 0xae 0xb5appendவ TAMIL LETTER VA
U+0BB60xe0 0xae 0xb6appendஶ TAMIL LETTER SHA
U+0BB70xe0 0xae 0xb7appendஷ TAMIL LETTER SSA
U+0BB80xe0 0xae 0xb8appendஸ TAMIL LETTER SA
U+0BB90xe0 0xae 0xb9appendஹ TAMIL LETTER HA
U+0BBA0xe0 0xae 0xbaappend஺
U+0BBB0xe0 0xae 0xbbappend஻
U+0BBC0xe0 0xae 0xbcappend஼
U+0BBD0xe0 0xae 0xbdappend஽
U+0BBE0xe0 0xae 0xbeappendா TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AA
U+0BBFி0xe0 0xae 0xbfappendிி TAMIL VOWEL SIGN I
U+0BC00xe0 0xaf 0x80appendீ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN II
U+0BC10xe0 0xaf 0x81appendு TAMIL VOWEL SIGN U
U+0BC20xe0 0xaf 0x82appendூ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN UU
U+0BC30xe0 0xaf 0x83append௃
U+0BC40xe0 0xaf 0x84append௄
U+0BC50xe0 0xaf 0x85append௅
U+0BC60xe0 0xaf 0x86appendெ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN E
U+0BC70xe0 0xaf 0x87appendே TAMIL VOWEL SIGN EE
U+0BC80xe0 0xaf 0x88appendை TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AI
U+0BC90xe0 0xaf 0x89append௉
U+0BCA0xe0 0xaf 0x8aappendொ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN O
U+0BCB0xe0 0xaf 0x8bappendோ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN OO
U+0BCC0xe0 0xaf 0x8cappendௌ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AU
U+0BCD0xe0 0xaf 0x8dappend் TAMIL SIGN VIRAMA
U+0BCE0xe0 0xaf 0x8eappend௎
U+0BCF0xe0 0xaf 0x8fappend௏
U+0BD00xe0 0xaf 0x90appendௐ TAMIL OM
U+0BD10xe0 0xaf 0x91append௑
U+0BD20xe0 0xaf 0x92append௒
U+0BD30xe0 0xaf 0x93append௓
U+0BD40xe0 0xaf 0x94append௔
U+0BD50xe0 0xaf 0x95append௕
U+0BD60xe0 0xaf 0x96append௖
U+0BD70xe0 0xaf 0x97appendௗ TAMIL AU LENGTH MARK
U+0BD80xe0 0xaf 0x98append௘
U+0BD90xe0 0xaf 0x99append௙
U+0BDA0xe0 0xaf 0x9aappend௚
U+0BDB0xe0 0xaf 0x9bappend௛
U+0BDC0xe0 0xaf 0x9cappend௜
U+0BDD0xe0 0xaf 0x9dappend௝
U+0BDE0xe0 0xaf 0x9eappend௞
U+0BDF0xe0 0xaf 0x9fappend௟
U+0BE00xe0 0xaf 0xa0append௠
U+0BE10xe0 0xaf 0xa1append௡
U+0BE20xe0 0xaf 0xa2append௢
U+0BE30xe0 0xaf 0xa3append௣
U+0BE40xe0 0xaf 0xa4append௤
U+0BE50xe0 0xaf 0xa5append௥
U+0BE60xe0 0xaf 0xa6append௦ TAMIL DIGIT ZERO
U+0BE70xe0 0xaf 0xa7append௧ TAMIL DIGIT ONE
U+0BE80xe0 0xaf 0xa8append௨ TAMIL DIGIT TWO
U+0BE90xe0 0xaf 0xa9append௩ TAMIL DIGIT THREE
U+0BEA0xe0 0xaf 0xaaappend௪ TAMIL DIGIT FOUR
U+0BEB0xe0 0xaf 0xabappend௫ TAMIL DIGIT FIVE
U+0BEC0xe0 0xaf 0xacappend௬ TAMIL DIGIT SIX
U+0BED0xe0 0xaf 0xadappend௭ TAMIL DIGIT SEVEN
U+0BEE0xe0 0xaf 0xaeappend௮ TAMIL DIGIT EIGHT
U+0BEF0xe0 0xaf 0xafappend௯ TAMIL DIGIT NINE
U+0BF00xe0 0xaf 0xb0append௰ TAMIL NUMBER TEN
U+0BF10xe0 0xaf 0xb1append௱ TAMIL NUMBER ONE HUNDRED
U+0BF20xe0 0xaf 0xb2append௲ TAMIL NUMBER ONE THOUSAND
U+0BF30xe0 0xaf 0xb3append௳ TAMIL DAY SIGN
U+0BF40xe0 0xaf 0xb4append௴ TAMIL MONTH SIGN
U+0BF50xe0 0xaf 0xb5append௵ TAMIL YEAR SIGN
U+0BF60xe0 0xaf 0xb6append௶ TAMIL DEBIT SIGN
U+0BF70xe0 0xaf 0xb7append௷ TAMIL CREDIT SIGN
U+0BF80xe0 0xaf 0xb8append௸ TAMIL AS ABOVE SIGN
U+0BF90xe0 0xaf 0xb9append௹ TAMIL RUPEE SIGN
U+0BFA0xe0 0xaf 0xbaappend௺ TAMIL NUMBER SIGN
U+0BFB0xe0 0xaf 0xbbappend௻
U+0BFC0xe0 0xaf 0xbcappend௼
U+0BFD0xe0 0xaf 0xbdappend௽
U+0BFE0xe0 0xaf 0xbeappend௾
U+0BFF௿0xe0 0xaf 0xbfappend௿௿