UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0480 to U+04FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed (but no entities defined for range on this page) · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0480Ҁ0322 0200ҀҀ
U+0481ҁ0322 0201ҁҁ
U+0482҂0322 0202҂҂
U+0483҃0322 0203҃҃
U+0484҄0322 0204҄҄
U+0485҅0322 0205҅҅
U+0486҆0322 0206҆҆
U+0487҇0322 0207҇҇
U+0488҈0322 0210҈҈
U+0489҉0322 0211҉҉
U+048AҊ0322 0212ҊҊ
U+048Bҋ0322 0213ҋҋ
U+048CҌ0322 0214ҌҌ
U+048Dҍ0322 0215ҍҍ
U+048EҎ0322 0216ҎҎ
U+048Fҏ0322 0217ҏҏ
U+0490Ґ0322 0220ҐҐ
U+0491ґ0322 0221ґґ
U+0492Ғ0322 0222ҒҒ
U+0493ғ0322 0223ғғ
U+0494Ҕ0322 0224ҔҔ
U+0495ҕ0322 0225ҕҕ
U+0496Җ0322 0226ҖҖ
U+0497җ0322 0227җҗ
U+0498Ҙ0322 0230ҘҘ
U+0499ҙ0322 0231ҙҙ
U+049AҚ0322 0232ҚҚ
U+049Bқ0322 0233ққ
U+049CҜ0322 0234ҜҜ
U+049Dҝ0322 0235ҝҝ
U+049EҞ0322 0236ҞҞ
U+049Fҟ0322 0237ҟҟ
U+04A0Ҡ0322 0240ҠҠ
U+04A1ҡ0322 0241ҡҡ
U+04A2Ң0322 0242ҢҢ
U+04A3ң0322 0243ңң
U+04A4Ҥ0322 0244ҤҤ
U+04A5ҥ0322 0245ҥҥ
U+04A6Ҧ0322 0246ҦҦ
U+04A7ҧ0322 0247ҧҧ
U+04A8Ҩ0322 0250ҨҨ
U+04A9ҩ0322 0251ҩҩ
U+04AAҪ0322 0252ҪҪ
U+04ABҫ0322 0253ҫҫ
U+04ACҬ0322 0254ҬҬ
U+04ADҭ0322 0255ҭҭ
U+04AEҮ0322 0256ҮҮ
U+04AFү0322 0257үү
U+04B0Ұ0322 0260ҰҰ
U+04B1ұ0322 0261ұұ
U+04B2Ҳ0322 0262ҲҲ
U+04B3ҳ0322 0263ҳҳ
U+04B4Ҵ0322 0264ҴҴ
U+04B5ҵ0322 0265ҵҵ
U+04B6Ҷ0322 0266ҶҶ
U+04B7ҷ0322 0267ҷҷ
U+04B8Ҹ0322 0270ҸҸ
U+04B9ҹ0322 0271ҹҹ
U+04BAҺ0322 0272ҺҺ
U+04BBһ0322 0273һһ
U+04BCҼ0322 0274ҼҼ
U+04BDҽ0322 0275ҽҽ
U+04BEҾ0322 0276ҾҾ
U+04BFҿ0322 0277ҿҿ
U+04C0Ӏ0323 0200ӀӀ
U+04C1Ӂ0323 0201ӁӁ
U+04C2ӂ0323 0202ӂӂ
U+04C3Ӄ0323 0203ӃӃ
U+04C4ӄ0323 0204ӄӄ
U+04C5Ӆ0323 0205ӅӅ
U+04C6ӆ0323 0206ӆӆ
U+04C7Ӈ0323 0207ӇӇ
U+04C8ӈ0323 0210ӈӈ
U+04C9Ӊ0323 0211ӉӉ
U+04CAӊ0323 0212ӊӊ
U+04CBӋ0323 0213ӋӋ
U+04CCӌ0323 0214ӌӌ
U+04CDӍ0323 0215ӍӍ
U+04CEӎ0323 0216ӎӎ
U+04CFӏ0323 0217ӏӏ
U+04D0Ӑ0323 0220ӐӐ
U+04D1ӑ0323 0221ӑӑ
U+04D2Ӓ0323 0222ӒӒ
U+04D3ӓ0323 0223ӓӓ
U+04D4Ӕ0323 0224ӔӔ
U+04D5ӕ0323 0225ӕӕ
U+04D6Ӗ0323 0226ӖӖ
U+04D7ӗ0323 0227ӗӗ
U+04D8Ә0323 0230ӘӘ
U+04D9ә0323 0231әә
U+04DAӚ0323 0232ӚӚ
U+04DBӛ0323 0233ӛӛ
U+04DCӜ0323 0234ӜӜ
U+04DDӝ0323 0235ӝӝ
U+04DEӞ0323 0236ӞӞ
U+04DFӟ0323 0237ӟӟ
U+04E0Ӡ0323 0240ӠӠ
U+04E1ӡ0323 0241ӡӡ
U+04E2Ӣ0323 0242ӢӢ
U+04E3ӣ0323 0243ӣӣ
U+04E4Ӥ0323 0244ӤӤ
U+04E5ӥ0323 0245ӥӥ
U+04E6Ӧ0323 0246ӦӦ
U+04E7ӧ0323 0247ӧӧ
U+04E8Ө0323 0250ӨӨ
U+04E9ө0323 0251өө
U+04EAӪ0323 0252ӪӪ
U+04EBӫ0323 0253ӫӫ
U+04ECӬ0323 0254ӬӬ
U+04EDӭ0323 0255ӭӭ
U+04EEӮ0323 0256ӮӮ
U+04EFӯ0323 0257ӯӯ
U+04F0Ӱ0323 0260ӰӰ
U+04F1ӱ0323 0261ӱӱ
U+04F2Ӳ0323 0262ӲӲ
U+04F3ӳ0323 0263ӳӳ
U+04F4Ӵ0323 0264ӴӴ
U+04F5ӵ0323 0265ӵӵ
U+04F6Ӷ0323 0266ӶӶ
U+04F7ӷ0323 0267ӷӷ
U+04F8Ӹ0323 0270ӸӸ
U+04F9ӹ0323 0271ӹӹ
U+04FAӺ0323 0272ӺӺ
U+04FBӻ0323 0273ӻӻ
U+04FCӼ0323 0274ӼӼ
U+04FDӽ0323 0275ӽӽ
U+04FEӾ0323 0276ӾӾ
U+04FFӿ0323 0277ӿӿ