UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0340 to U+03BF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display 亭䣲ͧו
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+4EAD U+48F2 U+0367 U+05D5
UTF-8 \xe4\xba\xad \xe4\xa3\xb2 \xcd\xa7 \xd7\x95
HTML 亭䣲ͧו
code point
character UTF-8
(in literal)
append character
to accumulator
HTML 4.0 character entities numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0340̀\xcd\x80append ̀̀
U+0341́\xcd\x81append ́́
U+0342͂\xcd\x82append ͂͂
U+0343̓\xcd\x83append ̓̓
U+0344̈́\xcd\x84append ̈́̈́
U+0345ͅ\xcd\x85append ͅͅ
U+0346͆\xcd\x86append ͆͆
U+0347͇\xcd\x87append ͇͇
U+0348͈\xcd\x88append ͈͈
U+0349͉\xcd\x89append ͉͉
U+034A͊\xcd\x8aappend ͊͊
U+034B͋\xcd\x8bappend ͋͋
U+034C͌\xcd\x8cappend ͌͌
U+034D͍\xcd\x8dappend ͍͍
U+034E͎\xcd\x8eappend ͎͎
U+034F͏\xcd\x8fappend ͏͏
U+0350͐\xcd\x90append ͐͐
U+0351͑\xcd\x91append ͑͑
U+0352͒\xcd\x92append ͒͒
U+0353͓\xcd\x93append ͓͓
U+0354͔\xcd\x94append ͔͔
U+0355͕\xcd\x95append ͕͕
U+0356͖\xcd\x96append ͖͖
U+0357͗\xcd\x97append ͗͗
U+0358͘\xcd\x98append ͘͘
U+0359͙\xcd\x99append ͙͙
U+035A͚\xcd\x9aappend ͚͚
U+035B͛\xcd\x9bappend ͛͛
U+035C͜\xcd\x9cappend ͜͜
U+035D͝\xcd\x9dappend ͝͝
U+035E͞\xcd\x9eappend ͞͞
U+035F͟\xcd\x9fappend ͟͟
U+0360͠\xcd\xa0append ͠͠
U+0361͡\xcd\xa1append ͡͡
U+0362͢\xcd\xa2append ͢͢
U+0363ͣ\xcd\xa3append ͣͣ
U+0364ͤ\xcd\xa4append ͤͤ
U+0365ͥ\xcd\xa5append ͥͥ
U+0366ͦ\xcd\xa6append ͦͦ
U+0367ͧ\xcd\xa7append ͧͧ
U+0368ͨ\xcd\xa8append ͨͨ
U+0369ͩ\xcd\xa9append ͩͩ
U+036Aͪ\xcd\xaaappend ͪͪ
U+036Bͫ\xcd\xabappend ͫͫ
U+036Cͬ\xcd\xacappend ͬͬ
U+036Dͭ\xcd\xadappend ͭͭ
U+036Eͮ\xcd\xaeappend ͮͮ
U+036Fͯ\xcd\xafappend ͯͯ
U+0370Ͱ\xcd\xb0append ͰͰ
U+0371ͱ\xcd\xb1append ͱͱ
U+0372Ͳ\xcd\xb2append ͲͲ
U+0373ͳ\xcd\xb3append ͳͳ
U+0374ʹ\xcd\xb4append ʹʹ
U+0375͵\xcd\xb5append ͵͵
U+0376Ͷ\xcd\xb6append ͶͶ
U+0377ͷ\xcd\xb7append ͷͷ
U+0378͸\xcd\xb8append ͸͸
U+0379͹\xcd\xb9append ͹͹
U+037Aͺ\xcd\xbaappend ͺͺ
U+037Bͻ\xcd\xbbappend ͻͻ
U+037Cͼ\xcd\xbcappend ͼͼ
U+037Dͽ\xcd\xbdappend ͽͽ
U+037E;\xcd\xbeappend ;;
U+037FͿ\xcd\xbfappend ͿͿ
U+0380΀\xce\x80append ΀΀
U+0381΁\xce\x81append ΁΁
U+0382΂\xce\x82append ΂΂
U+0383΃\xce\x83append ΃΃
U+0384΄\xce\x84append ΄΄
U+0385΅\xce\x85append ΅΅
U+0386Ά\xce\x86append ΆΆ
U+0387·\xce\x87append ··
U+0388Έ\xce\x88append ΈΈ
U+0389Ή\xce\x89append ΉΉ
U+038AΊ\xce\x8aappend ΊΊ
U+038B΋\xce\x8bappend ΋΋
U+038CΌ\xce\x8cappend ΌΌ
U+038D΍\xce\x8dappend ΍΍
U+038EΎ\xce\x8eappend ΎΎ
U+038FΏ\xce\x8fappend ΏΏ
U+0390ΐ\xce\x90append ΐΐ
U+0391Α\xce\x91appendΑΑ ΑΑ
U+0392Β\xce\x92appendΒΒ ΒΒ
U+0393Γ\xce\x93appendΓΓ ΓΓ
U+0394Δ\xce\x94appendΔΔ ΔΔ
U+0395Ε\xce\x95appendΕΕ ΕΕ
U+0396Ζ\xce\x96appendΖΖ ΖΖ
U+0397Η\xce\x97appendΗΗ ΗΗ
U+0398Θ\xce\x98appendΘΘ ΘΘ
U+0399Ι\xce\x99appendΙΙ ΙΙ
U+039AΚ\xce\x9aappendΚΚ ΚΚ
U+039BΛ\xce\x9bappendΛΛ ΛΛ
U+039CΜ\xce\x9cappendΜΜ ΜΜ
U+039DΝ\xce\x9dappendΝΝ ΝΝ
U+039EΞ\xce\x9eappendΞΞ ΞΞ
U+039FΟ\xce\x9fappendΟΟ ΟΟ
U+03A0Π\xce\xa0appendΠΠ ΠΠ
U+03A1Ρ\xce\xa1appendΡΡ ΡΡ
U+03A2΢\xce\xa2append ΢΢
U+03A3Σ\xce\xa3appendΣΣ ΣΣ
U+03A4Τ\xce\xa4appendΤΤ ΤΤ
U+03A5Υ\xce\xa5appendΥΥ ΥΥ
U+03A6Φ\xce\xa6appendΦΦ ΦΦ
U+03A7Χ\xce\xa7appendΧΧ ΧΧ
U+03A8Ψ\xce\xa8appendΨΨ ΨΨ
U+03A9Ω\xce\xa9appendΩΩ ΩΩ
U+03AAΪ\xce\xaaappend ΪΪ
U+03ABΫ\xce\xabappend ΫΫ
U+03ACά\xce\xacappend άά
U+03ADέ\xce\xadappend έέ
U+03AEή\xce\xaeappend ήή
U+03AFί\xce\xafappend ίί
U+03B0ΰ\xce\xb0append ΰΰ
U+03B1α\xce\xb1appendαα αα
U+03B2β\xce\xb2appendββ ββ
U+03B3γ\xce\xb3appendγγ γγ
U+03B4δ\xce\xb4appendδδ δδ
U+03B5ε\xce\xb5appendεε εε
U+03B6ζ\xce\xb6appendζζ ζζ
U+03B7η\xce\xb7appendηη ηη
U+03B8θ\xce\xb8appendθθ θθ
U+03B9ι\xce\xb9appendιι ιι
U+03BAκ\xce\xbaappendκκ κκ
U+03BBλ\xce\xbbappendλλ λλ
U+03BCμ\xce\xbcappendμμ μμ
U+03BDν\xce\xbdappendνν νν
U+03BEξ\xce\xbeappendξξ ξξ
U+03BFο\xce\xbfappendοο οο