UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0340 to U+043F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ÊЯϷ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0000 U+0000 U+0000 U+0000 U+0001 U+0000 U+0000 U+0000 U+00CA U+042F U+03F7
UTF-8 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 c3 8a d0 af cf b7
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
HTML 4.0 character entities
U+0340̀cd 80append
U+0341́cd 81append
U+0342͂cd 82append
U+0343̓cd 83append
U+0344̈́cd 84append
U+0345ͅcd 85append
U+0346͆cd 86append
U+0347͇cd 87append
U+0348͈cd 88append
U+0349͉cd 89append
U+034A͊cd 8aappend
U+034B͋cd 8bappend
U+034C͌cd 8cappend
U+034D͍cd 8dappend
U+034E͎cd 8eappend
U+034F͏cd 8fappend
U+0350͐cd 90append
U+0351͑cd 91append
U+0352͒cd 92append
U+0353͓cd 93append
U+0354͔cd 94append
U+0355͕cd 95append
U+0356͖cd 96append
U+0357͗cd 97append
U+0358͘cd 98append
U+0359͙cd 99append
U+035A͚cd 9aappend
U+035B͛cd 9bappend
U+035C͜cd 9cappend
U+035D͝cd 9dappend
U+035E͞cd 9eappend
U+035F͟cd 9fappend
U+0360͠cd a0append
U+0361͡cd a1append
U+0362͢cd a2append
U+0363ͣcd a3append
U+0364ͤcd a4append
U+0365ͥcd a5append
U+0366ͦcd a6append
U+0367ͧcd a7append
U+0368ͨcd a8append
U+0369ͩcd a9append
U+036Aͪcd aaappend
U+036Bͫcd abappend
U+036Cͬcd acappend
U+036Dͭcd adappend
U+036Eͮcd aeappend
U+036Fͯcd afappend
U+0370Ͱcd b0append
U+0371ͱcd b1append
U+0372Ͳcd b2append
U+0373ͳcd b3append
U+0374ʹcd b4append
U+0375͵cd b5append
U+0376Ͷcd b6append
U+0377ͷcd b7append
U+0378͸cd b8append
U+0379͹cd b9append
U+037Aͺcd baappend
U+037Bͻcd bbappend
U+037Cͼcd bcappend
U+037Dͽcd bdappend
U+037E;cd beappend
U+037FͿcd bfappend
U+0380΀ce 80append
U+0381΁ce 81append
U+0382΂ce 82append
U+0383΃ce 83append
U+0384΄ce 84append
U+0385΅ce 85append
U+0386Άce 86append
U+0387·ce 87append
U+0388Έce 88append
U+0389Ήce 89append
U+038AΊce 8aappend
U+038B΋ce 8bappend
U+038CΌce 8cappend
U+038D΍ce 8dappend
U+038EΎce 8eappend
U+038FΏce 8fappend
U+0390ΐce 90append
U+0391Αce 91appendΑΑ
U+0392Βce 92appendΒΒ
U+0393Γce 93appendΓΓ
U+0394Δce 94appendΔΔ
U+0395Εce 95appendΕΕ
U+0396Ζce 96appendΖΖ
U+0397Ηce 97appendΗΗ
U+0398Θce 98appendΘΘ
U+0399Ιce 99appendΙΙ
U+039AΚce 9aappendΚΚ
U+039BΛce 9bappendΛΛ
U+039CΜce 9cappendΜΜ
U+039DΝce 9dappendΝΝ
U+039EΞce 9eappendΞΞ
U+039FΟce 9fappendΟΟ
U+03A0Πce a0appendΠΠ
U+03A1Ρce a1appendΡΡ
U+03A2΢ce a2append
U+03A3Σce a3appendΣΣ
U+03A4Τce a4appendΤΤ
U+03A5Υce a5appendΥΥ
U+03A6Φce a6appendΦΦ
U+03A7Χce a7appendΧΧ
U+03A8Ψce a8appendΨΨ
U+03A9Ωce a9appendΩΩ
U+03AAΪce aaappend
U+03ABΫce abappend
U+03ACάce acappend
U+03ADέce adappend
U+03AEήce aeappend
U+03AFίce afappend
U+03B0ΰce b0append
U+03B1αce b1appendαα
U+03B2βce b2appendββ
U+03B3γce b3appendγγ
U+03B4δce b4appendδδ
U+03B5εce b5appendεε
U+03B6ζce b6appendζζ
U+03B7ηce b7appendηη
U+03B8θce b8appendθθ
U+03B9ιce b9appendιι
U+03BAκce baappendκκ
U+03BBλce bbappendλλ
U+03BCμce bcappendμμ
U+03BDνce bdappendνν
U+03BEξce beappendξξ
U+03BFοce bfappendοο
U+03C0πcf 80appendππ
U+03C1ρcf 81appendρρ
U+03C2ςcf 82appendςς
U+03C3σcf 83appendσσ
U+03C4τcf 84appendττ
U+03C5υcf 85appendυυ
U+03C6φcf 86appendφφ
U+03C7χcf 87appendχχ
U+03C8ψcf 88appendψψ
U+03C9ωcf 89appendωω
U+03CAϊcf 8aappend
U+03CBϋcf 8bappend
U+03CCόcf 8cappend
U+03CDύcf 8dappend
U+03CEώcf 8eappend
U+03CFϏcf 8fappend
U+03D0ϐcf 90append
U+03D1ϑcf 91appendϑϑ
U+03D2ϒcf 92appendϒϒ
U+03D3ϓcf 93append
U+03D4ϔcf 94append
U+03D5ϕcf 95append
U+03D6ϖcf 96appendϖϖ
U+03D7ϗcf 97append
U+03D8Ϙcf 98append
U+03D9ϙcf 99append
U+03DAϚcf 9aappend
U+03DBϛcf 9bappend
U+03DCϜcf 9cappend
U+03DDϝcf 9dappend
U+03DEϞcf 9eappend
U+03DFϟcf 9fappend
U+03E0Ϡcf a0append
U+03E1ϡcf a1append
U+03E2Ϣcf a2append
U+03E3ϣcf a3append
U+03E4Ϥcf a4append
U+03E5ϥcf a5append
U+03E6Ϧcf a6append
U+03E7ϧcf a7append
U+03E8Ϩcf a8append
U+03E9ϩcf a9append
U+03EAϪcf aaappend
U+03EBϫcf abappend
U+03ECϬcf acappend
U+03EDϭcf adappend
U+03EEϮcf aeappend
U+03EFϯcf afappend
U+03F0ϰcf b0append
U+03F1ϱcf b1append
U+03F2ϲcf b2append
U+03F3ϳcf b3append
U+03F4ϴcf b4append
U+03F5ϵcf b5append
U+03F6϶cf b6append
U+03F7Ϸcf b7append
U+03F8ϸcf b8append
U+03F9Ϲcf b9append
U+03FAϺcf baappend
U+03FBϻcf bbappend
U+03FCϼcf bcappend
U+03FDϽcf bdappend
U+03FEϾcf beappend
U+03FFϿcf bfappend
U+0400Ѐd0 80append
U+0401Ёd0 81append
U+0402Ђd0 82append
U+0403Ѓd0 83append
U+0404Єd0 84append
U+0405Ѕd0 85append
U+0406Іd0 86append
U+0407Їd0 87append
U+0408Јd0 88append
U+0409Љd0 89append
U+040AЊd0 8aappend
U+040BЋd0 8bappend
U+040CЌd0 8cappend
U+040DЍd0 8dappend
U+040EЎd0 8eappend
U+040FЏd0 8fappend
U+0410Аd0 90append
U+0411Бd0 91append
U+0412Вd0 92append
U+0413Гd0 93append
U+0414Дd0 94append
U+0415Еd0 95append
U+0416Жd0 96append
U+0417Зd0 97append
U+0418Иd0 98append
U+0419Йd0 99append
U+041AКd0 9aappend
U+041BЛd0 9bappend
U+041CМd0 9cappend
U+041DНd0 9dappend
U+041EОd0 9eappend
U+041FПd0 9fappend
U+0420Рd0 a0append
U+0421Сd0 a1append
U+0422Тd0 a2append
U+0423Уd0 a3append
U+0424Фd0 a4append
U+0425Хd0 a5append
U+0426Цd0 a6append
U+0427Чd0 a7append
U+0428Шd0 a8append
U+0429Щd0 a9append
U+042AЪd0 aaappend
U+042BЫd0 abappend
U+042CЬd0 acappend
U+042DЭd0 adappend
U+042EЮd0 aeappend
U+042FЯd0 afappend
U+0430аd0 b0append
U+0431бd0 b1append
U+0432вd0 b2append
U+0433гd0 b3append
U+0434дd0 b4append
U+0435еd0 b5append
U+0436жd0 b6append
U+0437зd0 b7append
U+0438иd0 b8append
U+0439йd0 b9append
U+043Aкd0 baappend
U+043Bлd0 bbappend
U+043Cмd0 bcappend
U+043Dнd0 bdappend
U+043Eоd0 beappend
U+043Fпd0 bfappend