UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+4680 to U+46FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed (but no entities defined for range on this page) · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display 亭䠻䣅䤾
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+4EAD U+483B U+48C5 U+493E
UTF-8 e4 ba ad e4 a0 bb e4 a3 85 e4 a4 be
HTML 亭䠻䣅䤾
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+4680e4 9a 80append䚀
U+4681e4 9a 81append䚁
U+4682e4 9a 82append䚂
U+4683e4 9a 83append䚃
U+4684e4 9a 84append䚄
U+4685e4 9a 85append䚅
U+4686e4 9a 86append䚆
U+4687e4 9a 87append䚇
U+4688e4 9a 88append䚈
U+4689e4 9a 89append䚉
U+468Ae4 9a 8aappend䚊
U+468Be4 9a 8bappend䚋
U+468Ce4 9a 8cappend䚌
U+468De4 9a 8dappend䚍
U+468Ee4 9a 8eappend䚎
U+468Fe4 9a 8fappend䚏
U+4690e4 9a 90append䚐
U+4691e4 9a 91append䚑
U+4692e4 9a 92append䚒
U+4693e4 9a 93append䚓
U+4694e4 9a 94append䚔
U+4695e4 9a 95append䚕
U+4696e4 9a 96append䚖
U+4697e4 9a 97append䚗
U+4698e4 9a 98append䚘
U+4699e4 9a 99append䚙
U+469Ae4 9a 9aappend䚚
U+469Be4 9a 9bappend䚛
U+469Ce4 9a 9cappend䚜
U+469De4 9a 9dappend䚝
U+469Ee4 9a 9eappend䚞
U+469Fe4 9a 9fappend䚟
U+46A0e4 9a a0append䚠
U+46A1e4 9a a1append䚡
U+46A2e4 9a a2append䚢
U+46A3e4 9a a3append䚣
U+46A4e4 9a a4append䚤
U+46A5e4 9a a5append䚥
U+46A6e4 9a a6append䚦
U+46A7e4 9a a7append䚧
U+46A8e4 9a a8append䚨
U+46A9e4 9a a9append䚩
U+46AAe4 9a aaappend䚪
U+46ABe4 9a abappend䚫
U+46ACe4 9a acappend䚬
U+46ADe4 9a adappend䚭
U+46AEe4 9a aeappend䚮
U+46AFe4 9a afappend䚯
U+46B0e4 9a b0append䚰
U+46B1e4 9a b1append䚱
U+46B2e4 9a b2append䚲
U+46B3e4 9a b3append䚳
U+46B4e4 9a b4append䚴
U+46B5e4 9a b5append䚵
U+46B6e4 9a b6append䚶
U+46B7e4 9a b7append䚷
U+46B8e4 9a b8append䚸
U+46B9e4 9a b9append䚹
U+46BAe4 9a baappend䚺
U+46BBe4 9a bbappend䚻
U+46BCe4 9a bcappend䚼
U+46BDe4 9a bdappend䚽
U+46BEe4 9a beappend䚾
U+46BFe4 9a bfappend䚿
U+46C0e4 9b 80append䛀
U+46C1e4 9b 81append䛁
U+46C2e4 9b 82append䛂
U+46C3e4 9b 83append䛃
U+46C4e4 9b 84append䛄
U+46C5e4 9b 85append䛅
U+46C6e4 9b 86append䛆
U+46C7e4 9b 87append䛇
U+46C8e4 9b 88append䛈
U+46C9e4 9b 89append䛉
U+46CAe4 9b 8aappend䛊
U+46CBe4 9b 8bappend䛋
U+46CCe4 9b 8cappend䛌
U+46CDe4 9b 8dappend䛍
U+46CEe4 9b 8eappend䛎
U+46CFe4 9b 8fappend䛏
U+46D0e4 9b 90append䛐
U+46D1e4 9b 91append䛑
U+46D2e4 9b 92append䛒
U+46D3e4 9b 93append䛓
U+46D4e4 9b 94append䛔
U+46D5e4 9b 95append䛕
U+46D6e4 9b 96append䛖
U+46D7e4 9b 97append䛗
U+46D8e4 9b 98append䛘
U+46D9e4 9b 99append䛙
U+46DAe4 9b 9aappend䛚
U+46DBe4 9b 9bappend䛛
U+46DCe4 9b 9cappend䛜
U+46DDe4 9b 9dappend䛝
U+46DEe4 9b 9eappend䛞
U+46DFe4 9b 9fappend䛟
U+46E0e4 9b a0append䛠
U+46E1e4 9b a1append䛡
U+46E2e4 9b a2append䛢
U+46E3e4 9b a3append䛣
U+46E4e4 9b a4append䛤
U+46E5e4 9b a5append䛥
U+46E6e4 9b a6append䛦
U+46E7e4 9b a7append䛧
U+46E8e4 9b a8append䛨
U+46E9e4 9b a9append䛩
U+46EAe4 9b aaappend䛪
U+46EBe4 9b abappend䛫
U+46ECe4 9b acappend䛬
U+46EDe4 9b adappend䛭
U+46EEe4 9b aeappend䛮
U+46EFe4 9b afappend䛯
U+46F0e4 9b b0append䛰
U+46F1e4 9b b1append䛱
U+46F2e4 9b b2append䛲
U+46F3e4 9b b3append䛳
U+46F4e4 9b b4append䛴
U+46F5e4 9b b5append䛵
U+46F6e4 9b b6append䛶
U+46F7e4 9b b7append䛷
U+46F8e4 9b b8append䛸
U+46F9e4 9b b9append䛹
U+46FAe4 9b baappend䛺
U+46FBe4 9b bbappend䛻
U+46FCe4 9b bcappend䛼
U+46FDe4 9b bdappend䛽
U+46FEe4 9b beappend䛾
U+46FFe4 9b bfappend䛿