UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0000 to U+007F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display «̨̯±ϩešQm6g^{&qt>
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0000 U+0000 U+0020 U+00AB U+0328 U+032F U+00B1 U+03E9 U+0065 U+009A U+0051 U+006D U+001E U+0036 U+0067 U+005E U+007B U+0026 U+0071 U+0074 U+003E
UTF-8 00000000 00000000 00100000 11000010 10101011 11001100 10101000 11001100 10101111 11000010 10110001 11001111 10101001 01100101 11000010 10011010 01010001 01101101 00011110 00110110 01100111 01011110 01111011 00100110 01110001 01110100 00111110
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
HTML 4.0 character entities name
U+0000 00000000append <control>
U+0001 00000001append <control>
U+0002 00000010append <control>
U+0003 00000011append <control>
U+0004 00000100append <control>
U+0005 00000101append <control>
U+0006 00000110append <control>
U+0007 00000111append <control>
U+0008 00001000append <control>
U+0009 00001001append <control>
U+000A 00001010append <control>
U+000B 00001011append <control>
U+000C 00001100append <control>
U+000D 00001101append <control>
U+000E 00001110append <control>
U+000F 00001111append <control>
U+0010 00010000append <control>
U+0011 00010001append <control>
U+0012 00010010append <control>
U+0013 00010011append <control>
U+0014 00010100append <control>
U+0015 00010101append <control>
U+0016 00010110append <control>
U+0017 00010111append <control>
U+0018 00011000append <control>
U+0019 00011001append <control>
U+001A 00011010append <control>
U+001B 00011011append <control>
U+001C 00011100append <control>
U+001D 00011101append <control>
U+001E 00011110append <control>
U+001F 00011111append <control>
U+0020 00100000append SPACE
U+0021!00100001append EXCLAMATION MARK
U+0022"00100010append&quot;" QUOTATION MARK
U+0023#00100011append NUMBER SIGN
U+0024$00100100append DOLLAR SIGN
U+0025%00100101append PERCENT SIGN
U+0026&00100110append&amp;& AMPERSAND
U+0027'00100111append APOSTROPHE
U+0028(00101000append LEFT PARENTHESIS
U+0029)00101001append RIGHT PARENTHESIS
U+002A*00101010append ASTERISK
U+002B+00101011append PLUS SIGN
U+002C,00101100append COMMA
U+002D-00101101append HYPHEN-MINUS
U+002E.00101110append FULL STOP
U+002F/00101111append SOLIDUS
U+0030000110000append DIGIT ZERO
U+0031100110001append DIGIT ONE
U+0032200110010append DIGIT TWO
U+0033300110011append DIGIT THREE
U+0034400110100append DIGIT FOUR
U+0035500110101append DIGIT FIVE
U+0036600110110append DIGIT SIX
U+0037700110111append DIGIT SEVEN
U+0038800111000append DIGIT EIGHT
U+0039900111001append DIGIT NINE
U+003A:00111010append COLON
U+003B;00111011append SEMICOLON
U+003C<00111100append&lt;< LESS-THAN SIGN
U+003D=00111101append EQUALS SIGN
U+003E>00111110append&gt;> GREATER-THAN SIGN
U+003F?00111111append QUESTION MARK
U+0040@01000000append COMMERCIAL AT
U+0041A01000001append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
U+0042B01000010append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
U+0043C01000011append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C
U+0044D01000100append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
U+0045E01000101append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
U+0046F01000110append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
U+0047G01000111append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
U+0048H01001000append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
U+0049I01001001append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I
U+004AJ01001010append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
U+004BK01001011append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K
U+004CL01001100append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
U+004DM01001101append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
U+004EN01001110append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
U+004FO01001111append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
U+0050P01010000append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
U+0051Q01010001append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
U+0052R01010010append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
U+0053S01010011append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
U+0054T01010100append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
U+0055U01010101append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
U+0056V01010110append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
U+0057W01010111append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
U+0058X01011000append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
U+0059Y01011001append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
U+005AZ01011010append LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
U+005B[01011011append LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
U+005C\01011100append REVERSE SOLIDUS
U+005D]01011101append RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
U+005E^01011110append CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
U+005F_01011111append LOW LINE
U+0060`01100000append GRAVE ACCENT
U+0061a01100001append LATIN SMALL LETTER A
U+0062b01100010append LATIN SMALL LETTER B
U+0063c01100011append LATIN SMALL LETTER C
U+0064d01100100append LATIN SMALL LETTER D
U+0065e01100101append LATIN SMALL LETTER E
U+0066f01100110append LATIN SMALL LETTER F
U+0067g01100111append LATIN SMALL LETTER G
U+0068h01101000append LATIN SMALL LETTER H
U+0069i01101001append LATIN SMALL LETTER I
U+006Aj01101010append LATIN SMALL LETTER J
U+006Bk01101011append LATIN SMALL LETTER K
U+006Cl01101100append LATIN SMALL LETTER L
U+006Dm01101101append LATIN SMALL LETTER M
U+006En01101110append LATIN SMALL LETTER N
U+006Fo01101111append LATIN SMALL LETTER O
U+0070p01110000append LATIN SMALL LETTER P
U+0071q01110001append LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
U+0072r01110010append LATIN SMALL LETTER R
U+0073s01110011append LATIN SMALL LETTER S
U+0074t01110100append LATIN SMALL LETTER T
U+0075u01110101append LATIN SMALL LETTER U
U+0076v01110110append LATIN SMALL LETTER V
U+0077w01110111append LATIN SMALL LETTER W
U+0078x01111000append LATIN SMALL LETTER X
U+0079y01111001append LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
U+007Az01111010append LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
U+007B{01111011append LEFT CURLY BRACKET
U+007C|01111100append VERTICAL LINE
U+007D}01111101append RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
U+007E~01111110append TILDE
U+007F 01111111append <control>