UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+3000 to U+30FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ブセぉぁ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+30D6 U+30BB U+3049 U+3041
UTF-8 227 131 150 227 130 187 227 129 137 227 129 129
HTML ブセぉぁ
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+3000 227 128 128append  
U+3001227 128 129append、
U+3002227 128 130append。
U+3003227 128 131append〃
U+3004227 128 132append〄
U+3005227 128 133append々
U+3006227 128 134append〆
U+3007227 128 135append〇
U+3008227 128 136append〈
U+3009227 128 137append〉
U+300A227 128 138append《
U+300B227 128 139append》
U+300C227 128 140append「
U+300D227 128 141append」
U+300E227 128 142append『
U+300F227 128 143append』
U+3010227 128 144append【
U+3011227 128 145append】
U+3012227 128 146append〒
U+3013227 128 147append〓
U+3014227 128 148append〔
U+3015227 128 149append〕
U+3016227 128 150append〖
U+3017227 128 151append〗
U+3018227 128 152append〘
U+3019227 128 153append〙
U+301A227 128 154append〚
U+301B227 128 155append〛
U+301C227 128 156append〜
U+301D227 128 157append〝
U+301E227 128 158append〞
U+301F227 128 159append〟
U+3020227 128 160append〠
U+3021227 128 161append〡
U+3022227 128 162append〢
U+3023227 128 163append〣
U+3024227 128 164append〤
U+3025227 128 165append〥
U+3026227 128 166append〦
U+3027227 128 167append〧
U+3028227 128 168append〨
U+3029227 128 169append〩
U+302A227 128 170append〪
U+302B227 128 171append〫
U+302C227 128 172append〬
U+302D227 128 173append〭
U+302E227 128 174append〮
U+302F227 128 175append〯
U+3030227 128 176append〰
U+3031227 128 177append〱
U+3032227 128 178append〲
U+3033227 128 179append〳
U+3034227 128 180append〴
U+3035227 128 181append〵
U+3036227 128 182append〶
U+3037227 128 183append〷
U+3038227 128 184append〸
U+3039227 128 185append〹
U+303A227 128 186append〺
U+303B227 128 187append〻
U+303C227 128 188append〼
U+303D227 128 189append〽
U+303E227 128 190append〾
U+303F227 128 191append〿
U+3040227 129 128append぀
U+3041227 129 129appendぁ
U+3042227 129 130appendあ
U+3043227 129 131appendぃ
U+3044227 129 132appendい
U+3045227 129 133appendぅ
U+3046227 129 134appendう
U+3047227 129 135appendぇ
U+3048227 129 136appendえ
U+3049227 129 137appendぉ
U+304A227 129 138appendお
U+304B227 129 139appendか
U+304C227 129 140appendが
U+304D227 129 141appendき
U+304E227 129 142appendぎ
U+304F227 129 143appendく
U+3050227 129 144appendぐ
U+3051227 129 145appendけ
U+3052227 129 146appendげ
U+3053227 129 147appendこ
U+3054227 129 148appendご
U+3055227 129 149appendさ
U+3056227 129 150appendざ
U+3057227 129 151appendし
U+3058227 129 152appendじ
U+3059227 129 153appendす
U+305A227 129 154appendず
U+305B227 129 155appendせ
U+305C227 129 156appendぜ
U+305D227 129 157appendそ
U+305E227 129 158appendぞ
U+305F227 129 159appendた
U+3060227 129 160appendだ
U+3061227 129 161appendち
U+3062227 129 162appendぢ
U+3063227 129 163appendっ
U+3064227 129 164appendつ
U+3065227 129 165appendづ
U+3066227 129 166appendて
U+3067227 129 167appendで
U+3068227 129 168appendと
U+3069227 129 169appendど
U+306A227 129 170appendな
U+306B227 129 171appendに
U+306C227 129 172appendぬ
U+306D227 129 173appendね
U+306E227 129 174appendの
U+306F227 129 175appendは
U+3070227 129 176appendば
U+3071227 129 177appendぱ
U+3072227 129 178appendひ
U+3073227 129 179appendび
U+3074227 129 180appendぴ
U+3075227 129 181appendふ
U+3076227 129 182appendぶ
U+3077227 129 183appendぷ
U+3078227 129 184appendへ
U+3079227 129 185appendべ
U+307A227 129 186appendぺ
U+307B227 129 187appendほ
U+307C227 129 188appendぼ
U+307D227 129 189appendぽ
U+307E227 129 190appendま
U+307F227 129 191appendみ
U+3080227 130 128appendむ
U+3081227 130 129appendめ
U+3082227 130 130appendも
U+3083227 130 131appendゃ
U+3084227 130 132appendや
U+3085227 130 133appendゅ
U+3086227 130 134appendゆ
U+3087227 130 135appendょ
U+3088227 130 136appendよ
U+3089227 130 137appendら
U+308A227 130 138appendり
U+308B227 130 139appendる
U+308C227 130 140appendれ
U+308D227 130 141appendろ
U+308E227 130 142appendゎ
U+308F227 130 143appendわ
U+3090227 130 144appendゐ
U+3091227 130 145appendゑ
U+3092227 130 146appendを
U+3093227 130 147appendん
U+3094227 130 148appendゔ
U+3095227 130 149appendゕ
U+3096227 130 150appendゖ
U+3097227 130 151append゗
U+3098227 130 152append゘
U+3099227 130 153append゙
U+309A227 130 154append゚
U+309B227 130 155append゛
U+309C227 130 156append゜
U+309D227 130 157appendゝ
U+309E227 130 158appendゞ
U+309F227 130 159appendゟ
U+30A0227 130 160append゠
U+30A1227 130 161appendァ
U+30A2227 130 162appendア
U+30A3227 130 163appendィ
U+30A4227 130 164appendイ
U+30A5227 130 165appendゥ
U+30A6227 130 166appendウ
U+30A7227 130 167appendェ
U+30A8227 130 168appendエ
U+30A9227 130 169appendォ
U+30AA227 130 170appendオ
U+30AB227 130 171appendカ
U+30AC227 130 172appendガ
U+30AD227 130 173appendキ
U+30AE227 130 174appendギ
U+30AF227 130 175appendク
U+30B0227 130 176appendグ
U+30B1227 130 177appendケ
U+30B2227 130 178appendゲ
U+30B3227 130 179appendコ
U+30B4227 130 180appendゴ
U+30B5227 130 181appendサ
U+30B6227 130 182appendザ
U+30B7227 130 183appendシ
U+30B8227 130 184appendジ
U+30B9227 130 185appendス
U+30BA227 130 186appendズ
U+30BB227 130 187appendセ
U+30BC227 130 188appendゼ
U+30BD227 130 189appendソ
U+30BE227 130 190appendゾ
U+30BF227 130 191appendタ
U+30C0227 131 128appendダ
U+30C1227 131 129appendチ
U+30C2227 131 130appendヂ
U+30C3227 131 131appendッ
U+30C4227 131 132appendツ
U+30C5227 131 133appendヅ
U+30C6227 131 134appendテ
U+30C7227 131 135appendデ
U+30C8227 131 136appendト
U+30C9227 131 137appendド
U+30CA227 131 138appendナ
U+30CB227 131 139appendニ
U+30CC227 131 140appendヌ
U+30CD227 131 141appendネ
U+30CE227 131 142appendノ
U+30CF227 131 143appendハ
U+30D0227 131 144appendバ
U+30D1227 131 145appendパ
U+30D2227 131 146appendヒ
U+30D3227 131 147appendビ
U+30D4227 131 148appendピ
U+30D5227 131 149appendフ
U+30D6227 131 150appendブ
U+30D7227 131 151appendプ
U+30D8227 131 152appendヘ
U+30D9227 131 153appendベ
U+30DA227 131 154appendペ
U+30DB227 131 155appendホ
U+30DC227 131 156appendボ
U+30DD227 131 157appendポ
U+30DE227 131 158appendマ
U+30DF227 131 159appendミ
U+30E0227 131 160appendム
U+30E1227 131 161appendメ
U+30E2227 131 162appendモ
U+30E3227 131 163appendャ
U+30E4227 131 164appendヤ
U+30E5227 131 165appendュ
U+30E6227 131 166appendユ
U+30E7227 131 167appendョ
U+30E8227 131 168appendヨ
U+30E9227 131 169appendラ
U+30EA227 131 170appendリ
U+30EB227 131 171appendル
U+30EC227 131 172appendレ
U+30ED227 131 173appendロ
U+30EE227 131 174appendヮ
U+30EF227 131 175appendワ
U+30F0227 131 176appendヰ
U+30F1227 131 177appendヱ
U+30F2227 131 178appendヲ
U+30F3227 131 179appendン
U+30F4227 131 180appendヴ
U+30F5227 131 181appendヵ
U+30F6227 131 182appendヶ
U+30F7227 131 183appendヷ
U+30F8227 131 184appendヸ
U+30F9227 131 185appendヹ
U+30FA227 131 186appendヺ
U+30FB227 131 187append・
U+30FC227 131 188appendー
U+30FD227 131 189appendヽ
U+30FE227 131 190appendヾ
U+30FF227 131 191appendヿ