UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+9480 to U+94FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display 頻靤閰閈隓鞯闫靚陉铲頸钌鞈闪鞸靷閃钍
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+983B U+9764 U+95B0 U+9588 U+9693 U+97AF U+95EB U+975A U+9649 U+94F2 U+9838 U+948C U+9788 U+95EA U+97B8 U+9777 U+9583 U+948D
UTF-8 11101001 10100000 10111011 11101001 10011101 10100100 11101001 10010110 10110000 11101001 10010110 10001000 11101001 10011010 10010011 11101001 10011110 10101111 11101001 10010111 10101011 11101001 10011101 10011010 11101001 10011001 10001001 11101001 10010011 10110010 11101001 10100000 10111000 11101001 10010010 10001100 11101001 10011110 10001000 11101001 10010111 10101010 11101001 10011110 10111000 11101001 10011101 10110111 11101001 10010110 10000011 11101001 10010010 10001101
HTML 頻靤閰閈隓鞯闫靚陉铲頸钌鞈闪鞸靷閃钍
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+948011101001 10010010 10000000append钀
U+948111101001 10010010 10000001append钁
U+948211101001 10010010 10000010append钂
U+948311101001 10010010 10000011append钃
U+948411101001 10010010 10000100append钄
U+948511101001 10010010 10000101append钅
U+948611101001 10010010 10000110append钆
U+948711101001 10010010 10000111append钇
U+948811101001 10010010 10001000append针
U+948911101001 10010010 10001001append钉
U+948A11101001 10010010 10001010append钊
U+948B11101001 10010010 10001011append钋
U+948C11101001 10010010 10001100append钌
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U+948E11101001 10010010 10001110append钎
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U+949111101001 10010010 10010001append钑
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U+949811101001 10010010 10011000append钘
U+949911101001 10010010 10011001append钙
U+949A11101001 10010010 10011010append钚
U+949B11101001 10010010 10011011append钛
U+949C11101001 10010010 10011100append钜
U+949D11101001 10010010 10011101append钝
U+949E11101001 10010010 10011110append钞
U+949F11101001 10010010 10011111append钟
U+94A011101001 10010010 10100000append钠
U+94A111101001 10010010 10100001append钡
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U+94A311101001 10010010 10100011append钣
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U+94AA11101001 10010010 10101010append钪
U+94AB11101001 10010010 10101011append钫
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U+94AD11101001 10010010 10101101append钭
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