UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0080 to U+00FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ä
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+00C3 U+00A4
UTF-8 0303 0203 0302 0244
code point
character UTF-8
U+0080 0302 0200
U+0081 0302 0201
U+0082 0302 0202
U+0083 0302 0203
U+0084 0302 0204
U+0085 0302 0205
U+0086 0302 0206
U+0087 0302 0207
U+0088 0302 0210
U+0089 0302 0211
U+008A 0302 0212
U+008B 0302 0213
U+008C 0302 0214
U+008D 0302 0215
U+008E 0302 0216
U+008F 0302 0217
U+0090 0302 0220
U+0091 0302 0221
U+0092 0302 0222
U+0093 0302 0223
U+0094 0302 0224
U+0095 0302 0225
U+0096 0302 0226
U+0097 0302 0227
U+0098 0302 0230
U+0099 0302 0231
U+009A 0302 0232
U+009B 0302 0233
U+009C 0302 0234
U+009D 0302 0235
U+009E 0302 0236
U+009F 0302 0237
U+00A0 0302 0240
U+00A1¡0302 0241
U+00A2¢0302 0242
U+00A3£0302 0243
U+00A4¤0302 0244
U+00A5¥0302 0245
U+00A6¦0302 0246
U+00A7§0302 0247
U+00A8¨0302 0250
U+00A9©0302 0251
U+00AAª0302 0252
U+00AB«0302 0253
U+00AC¬0302 0254
U+00AD­0302 0255
U+00AE®0302 0256
U+00AF¯0302 0257
U+00B0°0302 0260
U+00B1±0302 0261
U+00B2²0302 0262
U+00B3³0302 0263
U+00B4´0302 0264
U+00B5µ0302 0265
U+00B60302 0266
U+00B7·0302 0267
U+00B8¸0302 0270
U+00B9¹0302 0271
U+00BAº0302 0272
U+00BB»0302 0273
U+00BC¼0302 0274
U+00BD½0302 0275
U+00BE¾0302 0276
U+00BF¿0302 0277
U+00C0À0303 0200
U+00C1Á0303 0201
U+00C2Â0303 0202
U+00C3Ã0303 0203
U+00C4Ä0303 0204
U+00C5Å0303 0205
U+00C6Æ0303 0206
U+00C7Ç0303 0207
U+00C8È0303 0210
U+00C9É0303 0211
U+00CAÊ0303 0212
U+00CBË0303 0213
U+00CCÌ0303 0214
U+00CDÍ0303 0215
U+00CEÎ0303 0216
U+00CFÏ0303 0217
U+00D0Ð0303 0220
U+00D1Ñ0303 0221
U+00D2Ò0303 0222
U+00D3Ó0303 0223
U+00D4Ô0303 0224
U+00D5Õ0303 0225
U+00D6Ö0303 0226
U+00D7×0303 0227
U+00D8Ø0303 0230
U+00D9Ù0303 0231
U+00DAÚ0303 0232
U+00DBÛ0303 0233
U+00DCÜ0303 0234
U+00DDÝ0303 0235
U+00DEÞ0303 0236
U+00DFß0303 0237
U+00E0à0303 0240
U+00E1á0303 0241
U+00E2â0303 0242
U+00E3ã0303 0243
U+00E4ä0303 0244
U+00E5å0303 0245
U+00E6æ0303 0246
U+00E7ç0303 0247
U+00E8è0303 0250
U+00E9é0303 0251
U+00EAê0303 0252
U+00EBë0303 0253
U+00ECì0303 0254
U+00EDí0303 0255
U+00EEî0303 0256
U+00EFï0303 0257
U+00F0ð0303 0260
U+00F1ñ0303 0261
U+00F2ò0303 0262
U+00F3ó0303 0263
U+00F4ô0303 0264
U+00F5õ0303 0265
U+00F6ö0303 0266
U+00F7÷0303 0267
U+00F8ø0303 0270
U+00F9ù0303 0271
U+00FAú0303 0272
U+00FBû0303 0273
U+00FCü0303 0274
U+00FDý0303 0275
U+00FEþ0303 0276
U+00FFÿ0303 0277