UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0400 to U+04FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ۞
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+06DE
UTF-8 db 9e
code point
character UTF-8
U+0400Ѐd0 80
U+0401Ёd0 81
U+0402Ђd0 82
U+0403Ѓd0 83
U+0404Єd0 84
U+0405Ѕd0 85
U+0406Іd0 86
U+0407Їd0 87
U+0408Јd0 88
U+0409Љd0 89
U+040AЊd0 8a
U+040BЋd0 8b
U+040CЌd0 8c
U+040DЍd0 8d
U+040EЎd0 8e
U+040FЏd0 8f
U+0410Аd0 90
U+0411Бd0 91
U+0412Вd0 92
U+0413Гd0 93
U+0414Дd0 94
U+0415Еd0 95
U+0416Жd0 96
U+0417Зd0 97
U+0418Иd0 98
U+0419Йd0 99
U+041AКd0 9a
U+041BЛd0 9b
U+041CМd0 9c
U+041DНd0 9d
U+041EОd0 9e
U+041FПd0 9f
U+0420Рd0 a0
U+0421Сd0 a1
U+0422Тd0 a2
U+0423Уd0 a3
U+0424Фd0 a4
U+0425Хd0 a5
U+0426Цd0 a6
U+0427Чd0 a7
U+0428Шd0 a8
U+0429Щd0 a9
U+042AЪd0 aa
U+042BЫd0 ab
U+042CЬd0 ac
U+042DЭd0 ad
U+042EЮd0 ae
U+042FЯd0 af
U+0430аd0 b0
U+0431бd0 b1
U+0432вd0 b2
U+0433гd0 b3
U+0434дd0 b4
U+0435еd0 b5
U+0436жd0 b6
U+0437зd0 b7
U+0438иd0 b8
U+0439йd0 b9
U+043Aкd0 ba
U+043Bлd0 bb
U+043Cмd0 bc
U+043Dнd0 bd
U+043Eоd0 be
U+043Fпd0 bf
U+0440рd1 80
U+0441сd1 81
U+0442тd1 82
U+0443уd1 83
U+0444фd1 84
U+0445хd1 85
U+0446цd1 86
U+0447чd1 87
U+0448шd1 88
U+0449щd1 89
U+044Aъd1 8a
U+044Bыd1 8b
U+044Cьd1 8c
U+044Dэd1 8d
U+044Eюd1 8e
U+044Fяd1 8f
U+0450ѐd1 90
U+0451ёd1 91
U+0452ђd1 92
U+0453ѓd1 93
U+0454єd1 94
U+0455ѕd1 95
U+0456іd1 96
U+0457їd1 97
U+0458јd1 98
U+0459љd1 99
U+045Aњd1 9a
U+045Bћd1 9b
U+045Cќd1 9c
U+045Dѝd1 9d
U+045Eўd1 9e
U+045Fџd1 9f
U+0460Ѡd1 a0
U+0461ѡd1 a1
U+0462Ѣd1 a2
U+0463ѣd1 a3
U+0464Ѥd1 a4
U+0465ѥd1 a5
U+0466Ѧd1 a6
U+0467ѧd1 a7
U+0468Ѩd1 a8
U+0469ѩd1 a9
U+046AѪd1 aa
U+046Bѫd1 ab
U+046CѬd1 ac
U+046Dѭd1 ad
U+046EѮd1 ae
U+046Fѯd1 af
U+0470Ѱd1 b0
U+0471ѱd1 b1
U+0472Ѳd1 b2
U+0473ѳd1 b3
U+0474Ѵd1 b4
U+0475ѵd1 b5
U+0476Ѷd1 b6
U+0477ѷd1 b7
U+0478Ѹd1 b8
U+0479ѹd1 b9
U+047AѺd1 ba
U+047Bѻd1 bb
U+047CѼd1 bc
U+047Dѽd1 bd
U+047EѾd1 be
U+047Fѿd1 bf
U+0480Ҁd2 80
U+0481ҁd2 81
U+0482҂d2 82
U+0483҃d2 83
U+0484҄d2 84
U+0485҅d2 85
U+0486҆d2 86
U+0487҇d2 87
U+0488҈d2 88
U+0489҉d2 89
U+048AҊd2 8a
U+048Bҋd2 8b
U+048CҌd2 8c
U+048Dҍd2 8d
U+048EҎd2 8e
U+048Fҏd2 8f
U+0490Ґd2 90
U+0491ґd2 91
U+0492Ғd2 92
U+0493ғd2 93
U+0494Ҕd2 94
U+0495ҕd2 95
U+0496Җd2 96
U+0497җd2 97
U+0498Ҙd2 98
U+0499ҙd2 99
U+049AҚd2 9a
U+049Bқd2 9b
U+049CҜd2 9c
U+049Dҝd2 9d
U+049EҞd2 9e
U+049Fҟd2 9f
U+04A0Ҡd2 a0
U+04A1ҡd2 a1
U+04A2Ңd2 a2
U+04A3ңd2 a3
U+04A4Ҥd2 a4
U+04A5ҥd2 a5
U+04A6Ҧd2 a6
U+04A7ҧd2 a7
U+04A8Ҩd2 a8
U+04A9ҩd2 a9
U+04AAҪd2 aa
U+04ABҫd2 ab
U+04ACҬd2 ac
U+04ADҭd2 ad
U+04AEҮd2 ae
U+04AFүd2 af
U+04B0Ұd2 b0
U+04B1ұd2 b1
U+04B2Ҳd2 b2
U+04B3ҳd2 b3
U+04B4Ҵd2 b4
U+04B5ҵd2 b5
U+04B6Ҷd2 b6
U+04B7ҷd2 b7
U+04B8Ҹd2 b8
U+04B9ҹd2 b9
U+04BAҺd2 ba
U+04BBһd2 bb
U+04BCҼd2 bc
U+04BDҽd2 bd
U+04BEҾd2 be
U+04BFҿd2 bf
U+04C0Ӏd3 80
U+04C1Ӂd3 81
U+04C2ӂd3 82
U+04C3Ӄd3 83
U+04C4ӄd3 84
U+04C5Ӆd3 85
U+04C6ӆd3 86
U+04C7Ӈd3 87
U+04C8ӈd3 88
U+04C9Ӊd3 89
U+04CAӊd3 8a
U+04CBӋd3 8b
U+04CCӌd3 8c
U+04CDӍd3 8d
U+04CEӎd3 8e
U+04CFӏd3 8f
U+04D0Ӑd3 90
U+04D1ӑd3 91
U+04D2Ӓd3 92
U+04D3ӓd3 93
U+04D4Ӕd3 94
U+04D5ӕd3 95
U+04D6Ӗd3 96
U+04D7ӗd3 97
U+04D8Әd3 98
U+04D9әd3 99
U+04DAӚd3 9a
U+04DBӛd3 9b
U+04DCӜd3 9c
U+04DDӝd3 9d
U+04DEӞd3 9e
U+04DFӟd3 9f
U+04E0Ӡd3 a0
U+04E1ӡd3 a1
U+04E2Ӣd3 a2
U+04E3ӣd3 a3
U+04E4Ӥd3 a4
U+04E5ӥd3 a5
U+04E6Ӧd3 a6
U+04E7ӧd3 a7
U+04E8Өd3 a8
U+04E9өd3 a9
U+04EAӪd3 aa
U+04EBӫd3 ab
U+04ECӬd3 ac
U+04EDӭd3 ad
U+04EEӮd3 ae
U+04EFӯd3 af
U+04F0Ӱd3 b0
U+04F1ӱd3 b1
U+04F2Ӳd3 b2
U+04F3ӳd3 b3
U+04F4Ӵd3 b4
U+04F5ӵd3 b5
U+04F6Ӷd3 b6
U+04F7ӷd3 b7
U+04F8Ӹd3 b8
U+04F9ӹd3 b9
U+04FAӺd3 ba
U+04FBӻd3 bb
U+04FCӼd3 bc
U+04FDӽd3 bd
U+04FEӾd3 be
U+04FFӿd3 bf