UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0100 to U+017F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ĹƕƂůƤƘLjĪʼn ĈİĨš
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0139 U+0195 U+0182 U+016F U+01A4 U+0198 U+01C8 U+012A U+0149 U+0020 U+0108 U+0130 U+0128 U+0161
UTF-8 0304 0271 0306 0225 0306 0202 0305 0257 0306 0244 0306 0230 0307 0210 0304 0252 0305 0211 040 0304 0210 0304 0260 0304 0250 0305 0241
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
HTML 4.0 character entities numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0100Ā0304 0200append ĀĀ
U+0101ā0304 0201append āā
U+0102Ă0304 0202append ĂĂ
U+0103ă0304 0203append ăă
U+0104Ą0304 0204append ĄĄ
U+0105ą0304 0205append ąą
U+0106Ć0304 0206append ĆĆ
U+0107ć0304 0207append ćć
U+0108Ĉ0304 0210append ĈĈ
U+0109ĉ0304 0211append ĉĉ
U+010AĊ0304 0212append ĊĊ
U+010Bċ0304 0213append ċċ
U+010CČ0304 0214append ČČ
U+010Dč0304 0215append čč
U+010EĎ0304 0216append ĎĎ
U+010Fď0304 0217append ďď
U+0110Đ0304 0220append ĐĐ
U+0111đ0304 0221append đđ
U+0112Ē0304 0222append ĒĒ
U+0113ē0304 0223append ēē
U+0114Ĕ0304 0224append ĔĔ
U+0115ĕ0304 0225append ĕĕ
U+0116Ė0304 0226append ĖĖ
U+0117ė0304 0227append ėė
U+0118Ę0304 0230append ĘĘ
U+0119ę0304 0231append ęę
U+011AĚ0304 0232append ĚĚ
U+011Bě0304 0233append ěě
U+011CĜ0304 0234append ĜĜ
U+011Dĝ0304 0235append ĝĝ
U+011EĞ0304 0236append ĞĞ
U+011Fğ0304 0237append ğğ
U+0120Ġ0304 0240append ĠĠ
U+0121ġ0304 0241append ġġ
U+0122Ģ0304 0242append ĢĢ
U+0123ģ0304 0243append ģģ
U+0124Ĥ0304 0244append ĤĤ
U+0125ĥ0304 0245append ĥĥ
U+0126Ħ0304 0246append ĦĦ
U+0127ħ0304 0247append ħħ
U+0128Ĩ0304 0250append ĨĨ
U+0129ĩ0304 0251append ĩĩ
U+012AĪ0304 0252append ĪĪ
U+012Bī0304 0253append īī
U+012CĬ0304 0254append ĬĬ
U+012Dĭ0304 0255append ĭĭ
U+012EĮ0304 0256append ĮĮ
U+012Fį0304 0257append įį
U+0130İ0304 0260append İİ
U+0131ı0304 0261append ıı
U+0132IJ0304 0262append IJIJ
U+0133ij0304 0263append ijij
U+0134Ĵ0304 0264append ĴĴ
U+0135ĵ0304 0265append ĵĵ
U+0136Ķ0304 0266append ĶĶ
U+0137ķ0304 0267append ķķ
U+0138ĸ0304 0270append ĸĸ
U+0139Ĺ0304 0271append ĹĹ
U+013Aĺ0304 0272append ĺĺ
U+013BĻ0304 0273append ĻĻ
U+013Cļ0304 0274append ļļ
U+013DĽ0304 0275append ĽĽ
U+013Eľ0304 0276append ľľ
U+013FĿ0304 0277append ĿĿ
U+0140ŀ0305 0200append ŀŀ
U+0141Ł0305 0201append ŁŁ
U+0142ł0305 0202append łł
U+0143Ń0305 0203append ŃŃ
U+0144ń0305 0204append ńń
U+0145Ņ0305 0205append ŅŅ
U+0146ņ0305 0206append ņņ
U+0147Ň0305 0207append ŇŇ
U+0148ň0305 0210append ňň
U+0149ʼn0305 0211append ʼnʼn
U+014AŊ0305 0212append ŊŊ
U+014Bŋ0305 0213append ŋŋ
U+014CŌ0305 0214append ŌŌ
U+014Dō0305 0215append ōō
U+014EŎ0305 0216append ŎŎ
U+014Fŏ0305 0217append ŏŏ
U+0150Ő0305 0220append ŐŐ
U+0151ő0305 0221append őő
U+0152Œ0305 0222appendŒŒ ŒŒ
U+0153œ0305 0223appendœœ œœ
U+0154Ŕ0305 0224append ŔŔ
U+0155ŕ0305 0225append ŕŕ
U+0156Ŗ0305 0226append ŖŖ
U+0157ŗ0305 0227append ŗŗ
U+0158Ř0305 0230append ŘŘ
U+0159ř0305 0231append řř
U+015AŚ0305 0232append ŚŚ
U+015Bś0305 0233append śś
U+015CŜ0305 0234append ŜŜ
U+015Dŝ0305 0235append ŝŝ
U+015EŞ0305 0236append ŞŞ
U+015Fş0305 0237append şş
U+0160Š0305 0240appendŠŠ ŠŠ
U+0161š0305 0241appendšš šš
U+0162Ţ0305 0242append ŢŢ
U+0163ţ0305 0243append ţţ
U+0164Ť0305 0244append ŤŤ
U+0165ť0305 0245append ťť
U+0166Ŧ0305 0246append ŦŦ
U+0167ŧ0305 0247append ŧŧ
U+0168Ũ0305 0250append ŨŨ
U+0169ũ0305 0251append ũũ
U+016AŪ0305 0252append ŪŪ
U+016Bū0305 0253append ūū
U+016CŬ0305 0254append ŬŬ
U+016Dŭ0305 0255append ŭŭ
U+016EŮ0305 0256append ŮŮ
U+016Fů0305 0257append ůů
U+0170Ű0305 0260append ŰŰ
U+0171ű0305 0261append űű
U+0172Ų0305 0262append ŲŲ
U+0173ų0305 0263append ųų
U+0174Ŵ0305 0264append ŴŴ
U+0175ŵ0305 0265append ŵŵ
U+0176Ŷ0305 0266append ŶŶ
U+0177ŷ0305 0267append ŷŷ
U+0178Ÿ0305 0270appendŸŸ ŸŸ
U+0179Ź0305 0271append ŹŹ
U+017Aź0305 0272append źź
U+017BŻ0305 0273append ŻŻ
U+017Cż0305 0274append żż
U+017DŽ0305 0275append ŽŽ
U+017Ež0305 0276append žž
U+017Fſ0305 0277append ſſ